Who would be more beneficial to explain you what party shooting is all about, then a party shooter who is already on the field and in the clubs? Jan Segnitz is the mind behind Digitized-Reality.

He is shooting mainly for the German organizer Musical Madness and today’s interview partner. He helps us to define the job of the par ty shooter, showing you what skill sets a re necessary and maybe the next big star of photography is right among us. Read all about this profession, the upright and the tough sides.

Party Shooter Jan S.

We asked Jan
What‘s so attractive to shoot at parties and are there any specifications for succeeding in this job? We all take photos to retain different moments in our everyday life. Too look back on a great event or share our lunch with friends. Instagram and Snapchat made it possible for everybody with a Smartphone to be a ‘photographer’.

But there is yet a small group who understands the art behind pictures and is willing to take it to the next step. Jan combined two of his greatest passions about ten years ago.

For over 10 years I‘m in the hardstyle scene and the music has always been enthusiastic for me. My first photographic attempts were on small local hardstyle events by friends. But the events grew, became more professional and I have always found more joy in photography.- Jan S.

Jan made clear that it’s not just about taking pictures and pressing the trigger. A party shooter tries to capture the entire event in a few brief moments, allowing you to recap the event in your mind, feeling the vibes or just remembering back to a great time with your friends.

I constantly try to capture and reproduce the energy and emotions of the DJs and the celebrating guests and also the sizzling atmosphere. Only if I can do that and the viewers of my photos can feel the evening as if they were there, I did my job right.- Jan S.

Party Shooter Jan S MC DL
Of course, it’s easier to execute this project if you are fully into the hardstyle scene, recognizing when the proper time is to take a photo.

It is not only the party photography itself, which I‘m very interested, but also the scene in which I move. I would not even call me as a pure party photographer.- Jan S.

Basically, you need a few skills to be a good party shooter. Learning the basics of photography is the key. Acquire the “basic knowledge of photography, its equipment, and digital image processing”, as Jan assured us,

“With this knowledge you can eventually try it out in clubs for the first time. Ideally, you have a photographer friend who can accompany you.”

Do not persist only on the theatrical part or the camera you are using. “Among beginners, the sentiment is common that it depends entirely on the correct settings or the camera.

But it is about much more than that. It’s about to choose the right camera settings, the right perspective and the right moment to hit the trigger, depending on the surroundings you are currently facing.”, furthermore Jan adds an important rule for party shooters,

You should get a feel for whether guests are open for photos in order to not bother them. Also, it can sometimes leave a bad image when you stand on the stage besides the DJ the whole time, best with three other photographers at the same time. Try to include the audience. But the guest has the ‘right in his own image’ so, rather delete unwanted images immediately and ask the guests before they were photographed before you get trouble.- Jan S.

Overview – What you need for a good shoot

  • Basic knowledge about photography, your equipment and digital processing
  • The right perspective, settings and time to take a picture
  • A feel whether guests are open for photos or not
Costs for the camera?
If you get a DSLR (digital single-lens reflex camera), flash, lenses and objectives you pay at least 1000€.


What are the best photo motives?
You can separate your pictures into three general groups as Jan sums it up: “Guests are looking for photos on which they see themselves. The organizers would like to have photos where the mood or the light show is well displayed. And the DJ wants photos from himself.”

Keep this in mind, while taking your pictures. If you are new try to cover the guests and the DJs. Stage and light show shots are harder to realize and most of the time you need a very good camera as well.

Keep up the whole night?
In most cases the party shooter stays the whole night. Maybe 7 hours or even 12 on day festivals. Jan enjoys to go out and visit clubs so it’s easier for him. Generally, you should have an attraction for hardstyle events.

For me Red Bull and Cola is actually sufficient, but I avoid alcohol while working. Actually the positive stress pushes me the most, the mood, the thrill and when the party reaches the peak with the headliners – my fatigue vanishes by itself.- Jan S.

Last but not least: how many photos do you take?
“You hit an average of 600 images per night, but only 150 (20%) make it onto the short list. And even less will be actually used. At big events I get more than 1500 on my memory card. In reality, there are still more, because I have already erased some of the pictures direc tly on the camera.”

Check out his pictures!
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