Of course, nowadays you will find a mobile app for maybe anything. But apps for Hardstyle are still rare. The release of the official I AM HARDSTYLE app is therefore something really special. We have now used it since the release, and let you know if it’s worth it or not.
Manja & Zwiesel
Almost at the same time as the release of the album, the I Am Hardstyle App got released. Ok, to be precise -exactly on November 25, 2020. We installed the app on a Samsung S20 with Android. The Apple version is quite similar and has only minor deviations.
With his own merchandise series, his worldwide known I Am Hardstyle albums, successful and beloved events, now here comes the next big step – the I AM HARDSTYLE App.
Fabian Bohn: “… In cooperation with ‘Appmiral’ we’ve developed this app to help keep the fans and artists in contact in a time in which live events are impossible. “When we can party together again in the future, the app will also be the source to purchase tickets for our events, to navigate around the festival areas, and to stay connected with each other.” …”

In this app, you can find the latest news about each artist, events, releases and a store with I AM HARDSTYLE merchandise.
Let’s have a closer look
The app itself is directly available in both standard stores. So easy to find either on Google Play Store and Apple’s IOS store. Both are available for free and there is no pro edition.
Tested on Samsung Galaxy S20 Plus smartphone with the latest Android operating system. Apple iPhone devices with IOS operating systems may have different handling.
The app itself requests access to your mobile phone’s camera, your GPS, memory and pop up notifications.
After a successful installation of about 30 seconds and after the first start you have to confirm the safety instructions. You can log in with your Facebook account. But this is not a must – you can also use the app in full reception without this function.
The structure of the app
At the top-right edge is the app information (i) and the search option (magnifying glass) to search for specific information in the whole app.
On the dashboard, the main functions are organized at the bottom. The main categories are
The dashboard itself reacts pretty fast – it offers you an endless scroll down function. The scrolling itself is pretty fluent and provides a good and solid impression.

News Button
Under the tab NEWS also called “NEWSFEED” you can find, as the name suggests, the latest news, topical topics about the individual artists, labels, the app updates, and much more. When tapping the single “cards” you get more information about the respective news headline. You navigate with the usual swipe away (swipe) or “back” function, you can leave this again. Easily with the finger, you can scroll this down to the bottom.
Music Button
Under the MUSIC tab you will find the button – THE OFFICIAL PLAYLIST. This function opens the current ‘I AM HARDSTYLE’ Spotify playlist with the latest releases to listen to.
In the middle, there are 4 covers of the latest releases – by clicking the “see more” button you can see more covers. If you tap on the desired cover – you will be redirected to a new page – and you will get more information about the album, release date, the contained tracks as well as a buy / stream button – here you land on a landing page of the common streaming providers to be able to purchase the track or album immediately.

After the covers there is another button “Explore our Artists”, after tapping it you get information about the single alphabetically sorted artists: Andy SVGE, Atmozfears, Blademasterz, Brennan Heart, Code Black, Dailucia, Rebourne, Tac Team, The Pitcher and Toneshifterz.
When tapping on a particular artist, a photo of the respective artist appears in the upper border, below which is a Spotify Play bar to listen to the music of the respective tapped artist and also their collaborations directly in the I AM HARDSTYLE APP. – Since the app is linked to Spotify – you can quickly open the track directly in the Spotify app and play – also the artist can be displayed with a tap under the “3 dots” on the right side in this bar directly in Spotify.
Below the Spotify bar you can see the biography of the respective artist , as well as a YouTube video.
There are small blue buttons underneath with the links to the known socials of the respective artist – homepage, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Spotify.
Videos Button
Under the VIDEOS tab, you will again find a button in the upper margin called “OUR OFFICIAL YOUTUBE CHANNEL” – here you can quickly and easily access the YouTube app in the I AM HARDSTYLE channel for the latest videos. Below this bar are 5 pre-selected I Am Hardstyle videos from the YT Channel with the link highlighted in blue: PLAY ALL you can comfortably and easily view and watch the entire I AM HARDSTYLE Playlist.

The Merchandise Button
Under the MERCHANDISE tab, the official I AM HARDSTYLE merchandise store is embedded in the app. Here you can stock up on merchandise at your whim here is offered everything imaginable about Jacket, T shirts, Accessoiries, Bundles, an way more. From time to time, you also get notifications once there are special offers or new articles have arrived.
The More Button
Under the tab … MORE you will find a list of artists . Anda gain the button “Explore our Artists” – which you have already found under the category MUSIC.
Underneath you can find the button Events – here the app quotes all upcoming events of I AM HARDSTYLE. With a tap you get further information like on the NEWS page, you can add them with a heart to your favorites. As a further explanation – “ideal to create your own personal list” and underneath the information there is the button to be redirected directly to the homepage, of the respective event.

It follows the button “Our Awesome Partners” – the information was currently not yet available – these are coming set there. Another button ABOUT US follows. Here you can find a short explanation about ” I AM HARDSTYLE ” as well as the story of Brennan Heart about the genesis.
Finally comes the button “My Settings” here you can link or unlinked with your Facebook and Spotify profile.
Conclusion – Must Have
After some weeks, we can confirm that we here have a solid app. So far it never crashed, or created any errors. In addition, the frequency of notifications is at a pleasant level. The app never spams you with notifications are ‘call to actions’. The frequency of notifications is at a pleasant level. It is rather a pleasant companion that keeps you up to date on demand and provides you with music.
I had a lot of fun using the app. I will use it frequently in the future to get the information I want faster. And of course, to listen to the latest I AM HARDSTYLE music.
Thanks for the great app! I can only recommend it to everyone who loves hardstyle music, like us.