The man here today needs no introduction, but I will give him one anyway. One of the earliest gabbers on the scene, who unites people with his music to this day is here to stay! He is about to release an album on the 8th of December to unify the entire hardcore community and celebrate 30 years of madness. Gabber Family, say hello to Rob GEE!
Royal Flush & Amy Melissa Farina
1. It is an honor, Rob GEE! What a milestone! How has the 30th year on stage been for you?
Wow!!! Just Wow!!! It’s been so crazy and so amazing. I’ve done so many 30 Years of Rob GEE Shows all over The Globe and the response has been fantastic. I feel very lucky and blessed.
2. Tell us more about the album itself. Is it a compilation of the old school and new school, an homage to the past, or something else?
Well, it is 30 songs of mine that span from 1993 -2023. Some solo, some collaborations, some that venture into other genres; pushing the boundaries like I always do. I have to say it was hard to finalize the final 30 songs that appear on the album, but at the same time; it was rewarding to know I have so much music to choose from. I might have to do “30 Years Of Rob GEE” Part II. LOL

3. You were back once again at the legendary Nightmare in Rotterdam! How did you feel going back to the roots this October and what does this event mean to you now?
This event meant so much to me. “A Nightmare In Rotterdam IV” back in 1994 was my very first international show. So, when I stepped on that stage this past October for the return of “A Nightmare In Rotterdam”; it was like I had come full circle and almost reborn. The fact that this happened in the year of my 30 Years Anniversary just made it so much more incredible. I am already a very energetic person, but something happened that night because I feel energized like I have never been energized before.
4. Do you prefer playing in huge halls and events like that, or a smaller club where there is more intimacy with the crowd?
I don’t prefer one over the other; they’re both special in their own ways. I mean of course the huge halls and huge events are insane with the large crowds going crazy to your music. However, the intimate crowds are just that; intimate which gives me a unique personal connection with them.
I Love Both. <3
5. What is your relationship with DJ Paul Elstak? You reference him as the one who first called you to play in the Netherlands. What did that mean to you?
Paul will always have a special place in my heart. He’s the man who gave me my very 1st international show which was “A Nightmare In Rotterdam IV” in 1994; my life changed forever after that. That one show sent me on the amazing journey that I am still on today. Respect!!!
6. You have been a symbol of unity on our scene – 1 Gabber Family – is a great
example of that. What do you think of the new trends on the scene and can all
harder styles coexist in harmony?
I am all about Peace, Love, Unity and Respect. There are a lot of great people in our scene who welcome different views and sounds even if it is not their cup of tea. The problem is when the hate starts. Hate is such a strong emotion and takes up so much energy. If you do not like a particular sound that is completely fine, but to spend so much time and energy hating on that sound is draining. If you do not like what you’re hearing; change the channel.
I will say this though; I am not a fan of the copycat phenomena; it’s boring. More Artists really need to start creating something fresh instead of just following the new trend trying to stay relevant. You keep doing this; you won’t be here for 30 Years + like me. Boom!!!
7. What is the track you are obsessed with right now? Hardcore or otherwise.
Bon Jovi “It’s My Life”
8. Is there any newer artist in particular who has caught your eye, and you like what they do? If so, what is different about them?
There are actually 2 Artists that I have my eye on and I am lucky to have them both on my label GEE thAng Music; Queen City Hooligan & M.A.D. Both of them do not follow the trends and make great original music from their soul. This is important. They are both going somewhere and I will do whatever I can to help them to the next level. *Fun Fact: M.A.D. is part of The Rob GEE Live Show.
9. I have always wondered, when did you decide on the iconic mohawk? Is
there a
story behind it?
The year was 2016 and I had recently cut off my long “Metal” hair and was starting to
put colors like purple and turquoise in my hair again like I did in The
90’s. Then I thought to myself; I never had a Mohawk; let me give that a
shot. I did it, I Loved it and I still Love it. <3
10. You are very open on social media about your sobriety journey. Why is it
important for you to keep people informed on such personal matters?
My Sobriety is so important to me; not just for myself, but for others out there struggling as well. A lot of people don’t like to talk about these things and I get it. However, that is the exact reason I do talk about my Sobriety so openly to help remove the stigma sometimes surrounded by the topic of addiction. If my story can save just one life; then it’s all worth it.
11. After 30 years of Rob GEE, what is the biggest achievement you have had
your career, and what is the next big goal?
I guess my biggest achievement thus far is when “Ecstasy, You Got
What I Need’ shot up The Dutch Pop Charts. Next up, I will win a Grammy and
start Acting and doing Voice Over Work.
Please contact my Manager Jim for any inquiries. 😉
12. What does the future hold for Rob GEE – 30 more years of Hardcore?
Another 30 and then Another 30 and Another 30, etc. Man, I Love what I
do so much. Besides Acting and Voice Over Work; I will keep Writing, Recording
and Performing my Music. THIS IS MY LIFE!!!
13. Finally, please let the 1 Gabber Family know what Rob GEE’s message is
Always Believe In Yourself, You Got The Strength To Give Yourself Help. Never Back Down; This Is Your Life. You Got The Power Deep Inside…I Got This, You Got This, We Got This!!! <<< “We Got This”