For Rebirth Festival 2023 Hardstylemag organizes a special party bus to provide the maximum festival experience right from the beginning. With an extra load of specials and upgrades – we especially invite weekender to join us. Let us bring you there – but loud and wild!
Every year the Rebirth Festival is there to Kiff off the festival season with us and has therefore a very special and important task. The better the kick-off gets, the even better becomes the festival season.
This unique festival always surprises us with lovely designed stages, a well-organized handling, cosey camp sites, but also huge Lineups and impressive extras and special shows.
For 2023 we from Hardstylemag put our heads together with the known bus tour operator Feierreisen to bring you a new festival experience. Yet, the Bus tours have always been a bit of spending hours sitting and drinking. So why not take advantage of this time on the bus?

The question was, how to bring the travelers into the right party mood. The answer? live Music! To serve you the perfect music, the Raw-Hardstyle Act Storah will be playing live music on the bus via a complete setup. Expect the full raw power throughout the complete tour. May it be their ‘Bassline Anthem’ or the new ‘A Nation of Sin’ track, you can be assured that they will directly start at full speed.
Usually, a travel bus is not equipped with a sophisticated sound system but with standard speakers. Not this bus. An upgraded sound system will deliver the powerful bass and kicks you need to feel. So show us your bass face and get the party started already when entering the bus at the central station.
To provide you a powerful and fresh Raw-Hardstyle vibe, the team decided to engage Storah. The Rawstyle act from North-Rhine Westphalia is lately causing a stir in the scene. With his latest TOP 20 chart breaker ‘Bassline’, his performance at Gearboxx Twin Turbo at AFAS Amsterdam – he is absolutely one of the upcoming raw gens you have to keep on your radar. Check him on Instagram or his music on Spotify

To create the perfect bus and to ensure that everything will work out smoothly and nice, we decided to rely on the experience one of the most experienced bus tour providers in Germany – Feirreisen. With more than 10 years of experience in this sector, Feierreisen is one of the leading bus tour operators for all kinds of Hard-Dance events and even more.
A bus with live music non-stop to Rebirth Festival and an upgraded sound system. How could we kick-off the festival weekend better? The bus will start from Hamburg, and Feierreisen is offering various stops from where you can also step into the festival ring. All tickets are available here