Kingsworld took place on April 27th in Zuiderpark Den Haag in celebration of Kings Day. The festival consisted of three stages with a mix of genres ranging all...
Kingsworld returns to The Hague this Kingsday! Check out this article for all you need to know.
Amy Melissa Farina
Koningsdag or King's Day is a Dutch n...
In case you want to familiarise yourself with Dutch culture and experience the finest Hardstyle and Hardcore, all at the same time, we have gathered the top six...
The very first outdoor Hardstyle festival inside The Hague we have ever visit. With a very decent line up and two different stages this small festival looked qu...
After a few hours of sleep we had to wake-up early again to visit Supersized Kingsday! We did visit this event in 2015 as well, and I really liked it. It's actu...