Each festival has its own theme and the mainstage is one the most important places to represent this theme. It’s decorated in artistic ways like for instance light, lasers or pyro techniques. Then you have the hardware elements that fit to the theme and that we all have to wait for 364 days to see.
Julian Schneegans
So it’s about time that we rank the top 5 stage designs of our favorite festivals. This is of course our very own opinion and not everyone might agree with us. If you find that have missed your favorite stage design please let us know in the comment section.
- Defqon.1 – The Warrior Princess 2017 DQ/AUS
- Qlimax 2016 Rise of the Celestials
- Defqon.1 RED
- Decibel Outdoor Mainstage 2017
- Dediqated In Hardstyle We Trust
(Stages that almost made it into the top 5: Intents 2018 Mainstage, Decibel Outdoor 2013 Mainstage, Supremacy 2019, Dominator 2018 Raw Desperados)
Defqon.1 – The Warrior Princess 2017 DQ/AUS

When I come to thinking about really cool stages, there is one that instantly hits my mind: The Warrior Princess! In 2017 she was the UV at Defqon.1 and even the mainstage at Defqon Australia the same year. No words just love! Her flawless design gives you that special feeling to be at the right place at the right time when you’re standing in front of her. Furthermore the theme of the year „Victory Forever“ was perfectly represented. You should definitely check it out if you have the chance to.
Qlimax 2016 – Rise of the Celestials

Just think of it: You go to the toilet and when you get back in to the stadium you see that the mainstage has transformed in to a whole other form! WTF?
That was the awesome stage of Qlimax 2016 with multiple movable elements. The various interpretations of the forms are just as countless as the wonderful memories this stage has gave us. That was seriously next level!
Defqon.1 2019 – RED

There are many Defqon.1 mainstages that would have deserved to be in this ranking so the choice was really not easy. Right after the Dragon Blood stage from 2016, wich was very hard to beat, the red stage from 2019 is my favorite. The space for the stage was expanded and the pillars and fireworks that were everywhere gave you the feeling of being in a giant arena. What first looked like a fusion if past Q-Dance stages ended up being one of the most beautiful mainstages ever. For instance the sheer size of the stage is very impressive and the ultra realistic lion head in the center is just wicked.
Decibel Outdoor Mainstage 2017

When you take your time to check out what B2S came up with for the mainstage in 2017 you realize just how good the whole thing was thought through The Central Station that gave you the feeling that a train was rapidly speeding your way. The Endshow, the lights and the whole concept was just perfect. This stage was made with a lot of love and is definitely one of best that has ever been created.
Dediqated – In Hardstyle We Trust

This where our Top 5 Stages
A short rhetorical question: How do you create a stage design that combines the best years of Hardstyle history in one stage? Well, Q-Dance tried to do that and, oh boy, they succeeded! They created one of the coolest stages for one of the coolest parties that had ever been. There was everything from Oldschool to Euphoric on to Rawstyle and different styles of Hardcore as well as an astonishing light show. With this event, Q-Dance has definitely proved themselves worthy of representing 25 years of harder style history. What a banger!