For some this news might come as a shock, for others it just had to be expected. The rising number of COVID infections with the Delta variant forces the officials to ban multi-day festivals in August.
This is the bad news, but for single-day festivals, no decision was made yet. For multi-day festivals the dutch Cabinet just announced, to continue its ban for those festivals until the end of August.
This means that multi-day festivals like Mysterland, Decibel, Lowlands have to change their plans or just to cancel the complete event. Actually, this decision came to us surprisingly as several festival organizers like ID&T put more pressure on the Cabinet with a collective proceeding against these sanctions.
Read “ID&T continues proceedings against Dutch government”

The good thing is, that the latest decision does not consider single-day events. For those festivals the current ban until August 13th. remains valid. Whether this ban may be extended to a general event ban – will depend on the infection rate’s development.