On August 21 the Unmute movement called for huge musical demonstrations in several dutch cities. And the people came. With more than 70.000 visitors and music trucks, the people protested for a scene that seems to be forgotten. Now a new date has been announced for the second move.
We see several thousand people gathering in football arenas, we see thousands of people gathering for a Formula 1 race. This is all happening now, everywhere in Europe. Everything seems to be possible again, but not for the music and event scene.
After the huge success on August 21st. where more than 70.000 and 1.500 organizations participated – the fight endures. With a new date, new hopes are rising. Once again in several Dutch cities, the organizers are calling to demonstrate again.

9 CITIES – Unmute Us 2.0
On August 21st. we saw six cities demonstrating. For September 11th. we now see 9 cities. From Amsterdam – over Eindhoven – Enschede – Groningen – Leiden – Maastricht – Nijmegen – Rotterdam to Utrecht. We will again fight for your right to party.