Over 6000 played tracks, 203 Artists and 168 hours were necessary to bring the world record for the longest live stream of the harder styles. A massive program, with a huge workload, which paid off in the end. The world record is achieved and reason for us, to talk to the organizers.
A statement to the world, how strong the scene of the harder styles really is and that music can overcome everything. An impressive attempt and the story behind this attempt is even more exciting. Time for HardstyleMag to find out more about his ambitious project in an interview about this world record.
Meeting the Organizers for an interview
We from HardstyleMag talked to the organizers Amrish Raghosing (owner of ‘DJ School Alphen‘), Anthony Donner (founder of the book series ‘Dutch DJs‘) and Jelmer Smit (Manager of the harder styles marathon).
Here we also had the opportunity to speak to Jorn Meijerink and Faye van de Kerkhof from True Survivorz. They participated with a 12 hours hosting with a community-driven concept together with Dedicated to Hardstyle.

Hardstyle Marathon, what a great idea. Tell me how this idea was created?
Amrish/ Anthony/ Jelmer : We first organized the 10 days non-stop DJ marathon for DJs in all dance influences. With that, we broke two world records. In total 201 DJs were playing the 240 hours non-stop. Now we organized the marathon because many DJs are currently unemployed due to Corona. All festivals and clubs are closed. So we want to make a difference to do something for those DJ’s and their fans. A lot of DJs stream their own sets from their home or studio. But we want to show the world that a lot of DJs at one physical place can be more powerful. This event unites DJs to create a we-feeling. With this project tried to be groundbreaking, we do what others don’t dare to do. So this was one of them. The Netherlands is the founding country of Hardstyle and the Hardcore made his entrance already in the 90’s. So we decided to organize a DJ marathon for the harder styles of 7 days non stop with every hour a new DJ performing. In total 203 Djs performed on these 7 days.
Faye/Jorn: The idea came from Amrish Raghosing who runs a DJ school in Alphen aan de Rijn for a very long time. And in these times he wanted to do something different, breaking records. Since his DJ school gives opportunities to talents he wanted to continue that mission with this DJ marathon initiative.

Who was involved?
Faye/Jorn: To fill the whole 168 hours some events and concepts were contacted. We were asked by Jelmer Smit to be part of this with a shared concept by True Survivorz and Dedicated to Hardstyle called #TrueSurvivorzTuesday. This is a community-driven concept that is all about music that hits your emotional string and really puts forward the power of music. All songs that are mentioned with the hashtag on the community page are added to a Spotify playlist called Dedicated to True Survivorz. This playlist is filled with hard dance tracks that motivate you, make you think about those special moments, or remind you of your loved ones who lost the battle against cancer.
So together we hosted 12 hours of the whole DJ marathon. To not only make history in an attempt for a world record but also to get more attention for the battle against cancer. True Survivorz is a yearly event organized by Stichting True Survivorz and all profits are donated to fund researches that are aimed at treating and curing cancer (KWF Kankerbestrijding).

Amrish/ Anthony/ Jelmer: Amrish Raghosing and Anthony Donner combined their strengths to realize this event. Amrish is the owner of the DJ School Alphen and organized in the past more than 500 events. He is also a DJ and Producer under the name Dutch Hustlaz. Anthony is former Chief Editor of DJ Mag NL and is the creator of the biggest DJ/Dance book: Dutch DJs for which he interviewed more than 300 Dutch DJs and the dance industry professionals. Jelmer Smit was helping them with the lineup of the DJs and took care of more than 10 hostings.
Why did you choose to get it in different orders (especially night) and hostings?
Amrish/ Anthony/ Jelmer: The stream is not a festival; it’s playing nonstop. It was impossible to make a lineup with more than 200 DJs. We give big DJs to young talents a stage to perform. With the hostings we could place labels or events with their own lineup and timetable for a part of a day during the marathon.
Faye/Jorn: Our hosting was on Tuesday because that really fits for #TrueSurvivorzTuesday. With our hosting we also wanted to show what our event stands for music-wise. Therefore, we lined up some artists from previous editions as well as some new names and talents.

Will be the stream sets also go online?
Faye/Jorn: For the world record attempt the stream needs to be reviewed. But after that all will be shared!
In the meantime, most of the stream can be seen online through Livestream registration via Instagram or Facebook. You will for sure enjoy the sets which are played!
Amrish/ Anthony/ Jelmer: Yes, finally we will put parts of the recorded video material online when the DJ marathon is ended.
How did you get all the artists involved in this short notice?
Amrish/ Anthony/ Jelmer: We all have a lot of connections in the electronic dance industry. Anthony has a huge network with a lot of DJs directly from his job as Chief Editor of DJ Mag NL and the Dutch DJs book. Jelmer has also a big network of DJs in the harder scene. A lot of young talent DJs also reacted to our posts to join the DJ marathon. Anthony, Amrish and Jelmer got 100’s of texts, calls and e-mails in a few days so we couldn’t even place 50% off all artists we spoke. Also when the event started people asked us every day if there was still a spot left.

Faye/Jorn: Since we have been organizing True Survivorz already for a long time, we made quite some befriended DJ’s. So we grabbed our phones and called, mailed, or sent a text message and within short notice we filled our 12 hours long hosting.
You want to get a world record but not just for this record but also to make a statement. Can you tell me something about that statement.
Faye/Jorn: We wanted to send out a message, that the music is strong and the scene stands together – and by trying to establish a world record it would get big exposure and attention on the internet, that this marathon is really special.
Amrish/ Anthony/ Jelmer: We want to make the statement that we can make a difference to unite a large number of DJs to create togetherness in this challenging time. In the harder styles they say a lot ‘together we are one’, we want to show that to the world that this is possible if you want to do it. Even during this crazy time. And we want to show the world that The Netherlands is the DJ country in the world!

Where can we find you online?
Amrish/ Anthony/ Jelmer: You can follow the DJ marathon via: www.djmarathonlive.nl and through the Facebook page of DJ School Alphen.
Faye/Jorn: Follow True Survivorz on Instagram (truesurvivorz) or Facebook (True Survivorz) to stay tuned on coming editions and other activities.
DHT The community who also contributed to this project is Dedicated to Hardstyle. Visit their homepage Dedicated to Hardstyle or their group on Facebook or their profile on Instagram.
Thank you for the interview and all the best for 24/7 Harder Stylez .
The final hour of the attempt
On May 21st. 2020 after 168 hours and 203 artists the goal was finally achieved!! Although the stream had already been the longest after 3 days, the organizers pursued their goal of 7 days – to set the bar quite high for a new attempt. Re-Style started to play ‘Forever Young’ and the crew started to pop the confetti guns – and Anthony gave a short speech. Then Re-Style continued his set until 20:15. Congratulations

Next round – Only female Artists
Never rest seems to be the motto. Thus the organizers are already back with a new project. A marathon comprising only female Artists. All female Artists are requested to apply to participate. Contact details are obtainable form the artwork or visit djmarathonlive.nl . Good Luck!

All pictures in this article are friendly provided by Barry Jonas