A event without safety distance and masks? A party with DJ´s, dancing and having fun like in times before the corona crisis that threatens the existens of a lot club owners now? In Offenbach am Main/Germany that could be reality soon.
Anna Ströhlein
But how is this possible?
The event organizer FAMAB/ Party Rent Grup JOKE Event AG satis&fy makes it possible for 250 people. In the beginning, most of the tickets are reserved for people working in the event industry. And the name “Back 2 life” just fits perfectly.
How does it work? How is the procedure?
On the page www.back-to-live.com you can reserve a ticket for 145 Euro per person. But that is no guarantee that you can attend the event, you have to pass a corona test first. For that purpose a Test Center will be built up where can get tested from 8AM till 12AM. Around mid day you get your results. Depending on them you can join the BACK TO LIVE vol.2 party or not. If someone gets tested positive that person gets put in quarantine. The people that had contact to that person will be determined.

For the health department, there is no problem with small events, they are permitted with a limit of 250 people. The organizers are responsible that the corona regulations are adhered to. The health department of Offenbach is following this concept with great interest.
The organizers have developed a very good concept that could make partys without safety distance and masks real again. But unfortunately the health department of Offenbach has canceled the BACK TO LIVE vol. 2 party that should have taken place on July the 17th. And why? Because there are conflicts with the corona regulations that apply in Hessen.
The organizers informed the officals in Offenbach to late that the event will take place without safety distance and masks. That means that if the concept of the event does not get revised and customized to the applicable regulations the plug gets pulled before it even started.
Good to know
On July 9th the BACK TO LIVE party took place and showed the visitors that these kind of events are possible even under strict corona regulations. The regulative base for this was the corona schedule for event safety from the Research Institutes for Exhibition and Live – Communication (RIFEL).

Due to the early and ongoing integration of authorities, medical staff and experts in event security a futuristic state of the art showcase has been created. Specifically for situations like the COVID-19 pandemic.
We from HARDSTYLEMAG will keep you updated how things are going for BACK TO LIVE vol. 2.
What do you think about it?