The ongoing increase of vaccinated people and experiences from the last 12 months shall make events possible again. This already in June. The lockdown easings are giving the event sector more and more confidence. They can really start to plan for the second half of 2021.
Netherlands health minister Huge de Jonge said, that the first easings will come with June 5th. Festivals, events, and concerts can actually take place again, if the organizers apply a sophisticated health concept including COVID test results.
Should the positive trend continue in June, then even further easing is possible as of June 30.
“If you buy a ticket for a test-accessible event, you can make an appointment for a test. “After that, you create an admission ticket with the Coronamelder app.” – De Jonge
Large scale events
For large-scale events, Organizations shall be enabled to conduct COVID access tests directly at the entrance. For the ongoing growth rate of fully vaccinated people, the presentation of the vaccination card shall guests fully exempt from any tests.

The summer will not be completely normal as we all were used to it, before the pandemic started. But we are moving in a good direction.
Ok, guys, those words give us really hope. We are pretty confident, that upcoming events like Decibel, Ground Zero, The Qontintent can really take place. We keep you updated but the big news for now is ” Netherlands: Festivals can start from June 5th ”